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July 30, 2008


【 AKIBA Today http://www.akibatoday.com/

WEB制作およびWEBメディアの企画・構築・運営を手がける株式会社マーキュリーシスコム(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:藤田弘通)は、秋葉原の英語ニュースポータルサイト『AKIBA Today』(http://www.akibatoday.com)を7月30日、開設いたしました。

『AKIBA Today』では、ニュース/フィーチャー/ショップリスト/コラムなど、秋葉原(以下アキバ)を核とする日本のオタク文化の動向とアキバの街の情報を多面的にかつリアルタイムに捉え、WEBを中心にアキバ発世界へ情報配信を行います。
アニメ、パソコン、フィギュア等いわゆる「オタク文化」の中心であるアキバは日本文化の発信地として世界的に注目されています。海外からの観光客も増加しており、日本におけるインバウンド事業のハブ役としての期待も大きくなってきています。大きく日々変貌を遂げているアキバの状況を毎日発信するメディアとして、「アキバ経済新聞」を共同運営するマーキュリーシスコムが、各種方面からの英語版のアキバ情報サイトの立ち上げ要望を受け、秋葉原英語ニュースポータルサイト『AKIBA Today』の立ち上げに至りました。
今後の目標として今年度中に、月間500万PVを目指してまいります。 また、官公庁はじめ各種アライアンス先とも随時提携をし、コンテンツを強化していきます。
AKIBA Today top image
所在地:東京都渋谷区代々木1-37-20 酪農会館303号
代表者:代表取締役社長兼CEO 藤田弘通
「AKIBA Today」 担当:北川、バイス


AKIBA Today: Accurate Business and
Cultural News in English Directly
from Tokyo Akihabara

【 AKIBA Today http://www.akibatoday.com/
Exclusive news sources through the collaboration with established japanese media outlet “Akiba Keizai Shimbun”

Mercury Syscom, Inc. (HQ: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hiromichi Fujita) We would like to announce the launch of “AKIBA Today” (http://www.akibatoday.com), an English news portal site reporting in a cross media fashion about the latest events, goods and trends of anime, game and manga culture in Tokyo's "electric town" Akihabara.
We deliver business news aimed at otaku or fans of japanese pop culture as well as corporations. The site will integrate video reports as well as written features and news available through the site itself or by highly customizable RSS feeds. Throughly researched features or interviews as well as local information like weather or shop lists provide information for everybody interested in this futuristic world.

●Akiba culture trend - From underground fandom to mainstream media
Focusing on Akihabara ( abbreviation:“Akiba”), “AKIBA Today” catches on the trend of Japanese otaku culture that has been on the rise inside and outside of Japan. This development indicates that the "Otaku Boom" is more than just a short lived trend but rather has established itself as a vital alternative next to the traditional hollywood, or western culture. That is proven further by western entertainment picking up on this trend in form of movies that are based on japanese comics or Video Games as well as the exploding number of blogs or online forums. These outlets provide important information but lack in the ability to deliver these news with the accuracy or form that analysts or corporations demand. That is especially true if they are working from overseas. AKIBA Today focuses on providing original and accurate information on the city of Akiba, it's trends and how to find your way around if you actually go there.
●Thorough research - Accurate sources for the demanding foreign market
The Otaku culture is very rich and not limited to video games or comics but rather spans over many sub categories like PVC figurines, robots, gadgets, DIY computers, cosplay or maid cafes. The heartland of this is undisputedly Akiba which does not mean AKIBA Today is limited to local events but rather looks at the trend from a global perspective with it's international staff, alliances with bloggers and other Otaku related websites or magazines. With more and more tourists visiting the city from overseas however, the city's role as a hub of the national businesses in Japan is also gaining importance as well as for travelers on short trips . Having been a place for locals for a long time, Akihabara is only now beginning to meet demands of the flocking tourist who often don't know how to get the most out of their visit. It is a fast place that almost keeps changing on a daily basis. Therefore, as a company that already delivers such news everyday, Mercury Syscom who jointly operates “Akiba Keizai Shimbun” (Akiba Financial Newspaper), decided to launch “AKIBA Today,” as an English response to the demands of visitors or companies interested in this colorful world and it's growing market.
●Future Goals
AKIBA Today's aim for the website is to attain a monthly PV rating of 5 million users by the end of this year. Content wise we want to strengthen our resources by collaborating with freelance writers, local public services and of course our user base.
<Corporate Profile>
【Mercury Syscom, Inc.】
Founded in 2003, working under the banner of “Your company’s web division,” we provides close support to your web production by viewing things from the clients perspective. Additionally, we conduct planning, development, and operation of Mercury Syscom’s own web media based on the various creative resources we have accumulated over the years. By implementing verification/analysis and restructuring contents accordingly, we keep producing new media forms suited to every clients need. Some of our recent services include development and operation of various company websites such as “ASP Navi” and “Akiba Keizai Shimbun.”
【Akiba Keizai Shimbun】
【Digital Hollywood Entertainment Corp.】
【Please direct any inquiry pertaining to this press release to:】
Mercury Syscom, Inc.
“AKIBA Today” – Persons in charge: Chikako Kitagawa, Steffen Weiss
TEL: +81-3-5304-3614 / FAX: +81-3-5365-2921


